Feest voor de vijfling

Para celebrar los sentidos tenemos un playlist recién fabricado: el número 141 para Friday Night, con la mejor música de la Galaxia. Recuerda: Galaxy 94.7 fm ® Los Mochis radio inicia transmisiones desde las 8:20 de la noche, viernes y sábado.
Playlist 141
Galaxy 94.7 fm ®
16/17 marzo 2012
► 1. Absofacto - On a Ladder Leading Nowhere
► 2. American Royalty - Matchstick
3. Animal Kingdom - Signs And Wonders
► 4. Arctic Monkeys - R U Mine?
5. Army Navy - My Thin Sides
6. Avalanche City - Love Love Love
► 7. Beach Fossils - Lessons
► 8. Bear In Heaven - Kiss Me Crazy
► 9. Ben Kweller - The Rainbow
10. Biffy Clyro - Mountains
► 11. Bleeding Knees Club - Teenage Girls
12. Built To Spill - Conventional Wisdom
13. Caesars - Soulchaser
► 14. Clearlake - Almost The Same (live)
15. Coffinberry - Oh Elise
► 16. Colleen Green - Nice Boy (I Want A)
17. Copeland - That Awful Memory Of Yours
18. Cut City - Like Ashes, Like Millions
► 19. Deep Sea Arcade - Girls
20. Dirty on Purpose - No Radio
► 21. Dirty Pretty Things - Radio Song
22. Dog Is Dead - Two Devils
23. Dr. Dog - These Days
24. Dry The River - The Chambers & The Valves
25. Eastern Conference Champions - The Box
26. Ed Harcourt - Born In The '70s
27. Editors - Bullets
28. Electric Six - Radio Gaga
29. Embrace - Ashes
30. Fields - Brittlesticks
31. Figurines - The Wonder
► 32. Fanfarlo - Tightrope
33. Five O'Clock Heroes - Everybody Knows It
► 34. Fort Lean - Sunsick
► 35. Frankie Rose - Interstellar
36. Funeral For A Friend - Into Oblivion [Reunion]
37. Fyfe Dangerfield - Let's Start Again
► 38. Geographer - The Myth Of Youth
39. Gigantic - Be No More
40. Guillemots - Trains To Brazil
41. Haven - Wouldn't Change A Thing
42. Hospitality - All Day Today
43. Idlewild - You Held The World In Your Arms
44. Iglu & Hartly - In This City
► 45. Inspiral Carpets - Saturn 5
► 46. Irving - Jen, Nothing Matters to Me (live)
47. Jets to Brazil - You're The One I Want
48. Joey Ramone - What A Wonderful World
► 49. Jonquil - Run
► 50. Kaiser Chiefs - Can't Mind My Own Business
51. Kings of Leon - Red Morning Light
► 52. La Sera - Please Be My Third Eye
53. Lissy Trullie - Self-Taught Learner
► 54. Local Natives - Camera Talk
55. Look See Proof - Discussions
► 56. Lovedrug - Dinosaur
► 57. Lucy Rose - Red Face
► 58. Luise Pop - Fat Yellow Moon
► 59. M. Ward - Primitive Girl
60. Mansun - Wide Open Space
► 61. Maps & Atlases - Winter
62. Marmaduke duke - Rubber lover
► 63. Mathew Good Band - Load Me Up
64. Matt Pond PA - Fairlee
65. MGMT - Time To Pretend
► 66. Modern Time Machines - Rocketship
► 67. Oberhofer - Cruisin' FDR
► 68. Pond - Moth Wings
► 69. Rabbit! - Go For It
► 70. Ramona Falls - Spore
► 71. Said The Whale - Heavy Ceiling
► 72. Saint Hotel - Puzzle Pieces
► 73. Say Anything - Burn a Miracle
► 74. Slow Club - The Dog
► 75. So Many Wizards - Lose Your Mind
► 76. Soft Swells - Don't Cut It Off
► 77. Standard Fare - Dead Future
78. Team Me - Show Me
► 79. Teenage Fanclub - The Concept
► 80. Tennis - Robin
81. The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling
► 82. The Cast Of Cheers - Family
83. The Chevin - Champion
► 84. The Concept - D-D-Dance
► 85. The Cribs - Chi-Town
► 86. The Cribs - Come On, Be A No-One
► 87. The Decemberists - This is why we fight (live)
88. The Decoration - Intercom
► 89. The Dykeenies - Awake
► 90. The Enemy - Gimme The Sign
► 91. The Explorers Club – Anticipatin’
92. The Innocence Mission - Speak Our Minds
93. The Killers - Mr Brightside
► 94. The Polyphonic Spree - What Would You Do
► 95. The Shins - Bait And Switch
96. The Strokes - Someday
► 97. Supernaturals (The) - Smile
► 98. The Wedding Present - End Credits
99. Thrills - Whatever Happened To Corey Haim?
100. Tribes - Corner Of An English Field
101. Two Door Cinema Club - I Can Talk
► 102. Unicycle Loves You - Wow Wave Cinema
► 103. Walk The Moon - Tightrope
► 104. White Rabbits - Temporary
► 105. Wild Nothing - Wait
► 106. Yellow Ostrich - Daughter
► 107. You Me At Six - Poker Face
► 108. Young Empires - Let You Sleep Tonight
► 109. Yukon Blonde - Stairway
► 110. Zulu Winter - We Should Be Swimming
Galaxy fm ®
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Etiquetas: Asturias, Beach Fossils, Descenso Internacional del Sella, Francisco Ibáñez, Mortadelo y Filemón, playlist 141, The cribs, The Dykeenies, The Enemy, The Wedding Present, Unicycle Loves You
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