Comes forth in the thaw

Este no es un día cualquiera: es viernes por la noche, tiempo del Friday Night ... momento de estrenar el playlist número 140 de Silent Roy para Galaxy 94.7 fm ® Los Mochis radio, donde Zael estará en control para llevarte nuevamente la mejor música de la galaxia... tenés una cita desde las 20:25 horas —sábados por la noche repetimos la cuota, misma hora...
Playlist 140
Galaxy 94.7 fm ®
17/18 febrero 2012
► 1. All The Young - The Horizon
► 2. Alphabet Backwards - Big Top
► 3. Alphabet Backwards - Tonight
► 4. Anthony Green - If I Don't Sing
► 5. Babybird - Can't Love You Any More
6. Babyshambles - Kill A Man For His Giro (live)
► 7. Band Of Skulls - Bruises
► 8. Battleships - In Retrospect
► 9. Beach Fossils - Shallow
10. Ben Howard - The Wolves
► 11. Ben Kweller - Mean to Me
► 12. Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Pictures
13. Bombay Bicycle Club - How Can You Swallow So Much Sleep
► 14. Boy Things - Disengagement
► 15. Brendan Benson - Bad For Me
► 16. Camden - (Talking On The) Telephone
► 17. Chairlift - I Belong In Your Arms
► 18. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Hysterical
► 19. Cloud Nothings - Separation
► 20. Cloud Nothings - Stay Useless
21. Cults - Go Outside
► 22. Delta Spirit - California
► 23. Django Django - Default
► 24. Dog Is Dead - Two Devils
► 25. Dogs - Come On Cold Hands
26. Dogs Die In Hot Cars - Modern Woman
► 27. Dr. Dog - These Days
► 28. Dry the River - The Chambers & the Valves
29. Editors - Munich
30. Elefant - Misfit
► 31. Exlovers - Starlight, Starlight
► 32. Fan Modine - M.O.I. (Can We Dance)
► 33. Fanfarlo - Shiny Things
► 34. Foo Fighters - These Days
35. Foster The People - Don't Stop (Color On The Walls)
36. Franz Ferdinand - Lucid Dreams
► 37. French Films - Golden Sea
► 38. General Fiasco - Don't You Ever
► 39. GoGoBot - We Are Here
40. Hockey - Too Fake
► 41. Hospitality - All Day Today
► 42. Hospitality - The Right Profession
► 43. Howler - Back Of Your Neck
44. Humanzi - Long time coming
► 45. I Heart Sharks - Monogamy
► 46. Imperial Teen - Runaway
► 47. Interpol - Song Seven
► 48. Jack White - Love Interruption
► 49. John Morillion - Love It All
► 50. Kasabian - Goodbye Kiss
51. Kings Of Leon - Notion
► 52. Lava Lava Love - An Invitation
► 53. Library Voices - The Prime Minister's Daughter
► 54. Little Comets - Worry
► 55. Locksley - Days Of Youth
56. Mando Diao - Sheepdog (live)
► 57. Maxïmo Park - Roller Disco Dreams
► 58. Medicine Hat - Little Cigarettes
► 59. Memoryhouse - The Kids Were Wrong
► 60. Miracles Of Modern Science - Luminol
► 61. Morning Parade - Headlights
62. Morrissey - you have killed me
► 63. Moss - Almost a Year
► 64. Moss - What You Want
► 65. Nada Surf - Waiting For Something
► 66. NO - Another Life
► 67. Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Dream On
► 68. Novella - Santiago
► 69. Oh My! - Twenty One
► 70. OK Go - Needing/Getting
71. Razorlight - Before I Fall To Pieces
► 72. Real Estate - Easy
► 73. Revolver - Wind Song
► 74. Robbers On High Street - Electric Eye
► 75. Royal Canoe - Saw An Arrow
► 76. School of Seven Bells - Lafaye
► 77. Shearwater - You as You Were
► 78. Sick Figures - Mad
► 79. Smashing Pumpkins - Rocket (demo)
► 80. Spector - Chevy Thunder
► 81. Standard Fare - Suitcase
► 82. Stellastarr* - Numbers
► 83. Tape The Radio - 1989
► 84. Tennis - High Road
► 85. The Afternoons - Black-Hearted Poster Boy
► 86. The Birthday Suit - Do You Ever
► 87. The Black Keys - Gold On The Ceiling
► 88. The Chevin - Champion
► 89. The Cribs - Curse This English Rain
90. The Cribs - So Hot Now
► 91. The Dear Hunter - She's Always Singing
► 92. The Drums - Days
► 93. The Jealous Sound - Promise of the West
► 94. The Kaiser Chiefs - On The Run
► 95. The Maccabees - Feel To Follow
► 96. The Maccabees - Went Away
► 97. The Nova Saints - High Roller
98. The Shins - Simple Song
99. The Undertones - Teenage Kicks
► 100. The Vaccines - Tuck and Roll
101. The Whigs - Right Hand on My Heart
102. Thrills - Tell Me Something I Don't Know
103. Tokyo Police Club - Your English Is Good
► 104. Tribes - Corner Of An English Field
► 105. Various Cruelties - Great Unknown
► 106. We Are Augustines - Chapel Song
► 107. We Have Band - Where Are Your People?
► 108. Wild Nothing - Nowhere
► 109. Yellow Ostrich - Marathon Runner
► 110. Young Knives - Watch The Birds
Galaxy fm ®
Renaciendo el espíritu del sonido eterno ™
Etiquetas: Benjamin Francis Leftwich, Cloud Nothings, Django Django, Dr. Dog, Hospitality, Jack White, Moss, Novella, playlist 140, Spector, Standard Fare, The Jealous Sound
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