Autotrophs began to drool

Regresa el sonido de viernes por la noche a la programación de Galaxy 94.7 fm ® Los Mochis radio, con el estreno del playlist 137, compactado por Silent Roy para Friday Night... Tenemos la mejor música de la galaxia, sin lugar a dudas... sintonice nuestra frecuencia y sea permanentemente bienvenido, hoy viernes 20:20 horas, y mañana sábado a la misma hora, donde Zael estará en control... gracias gente...
Playlist 137
Galaxy 94.7 fm ®
28/29 octubre 2011
101 tracks in playlist, average track length: 3:36
Playlist length: 6 hours 4 minutes 28 seconds
► 1. Acres Of Lions - Reaction
► 2. Baby Baby - Fire
► 3. Ball Park Music - It's Nice To Be Alive
► 4. Big Troubles - Sad Girls
► 5. Bleached - Think Of You
► 6. Blitzen Trapper - Your Crying Eyes
► 7. Bombay Bicycle Club - Lights Out, Words Gone
► 8. Boots Electric - Complexity
► 9. Brighten Up! - The Mexican Man Of A Million Answers
► 10. Butch Walker And The Black Widows - Everysinglebodyelse
► 11. Cage The Elephant - Aberdeen
► 12. Charlotte Sometimes - Headache
► 13. Chase And Status - Flashing Lights
► 14. Chris & Jenna - Winona
► 15. City And Colour - Weightless
► 16. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Trotsky's Fence
► 17. Class Actress - Weekend
► 18. Customs - Harlequins
19. Death From Above 1979 - Little girl
► 20. Decemberists - Calamity Song
21. Dirty pretty things - Bang bang you're dead
22. Dutch Uncles - The Ink
► 23. Echorev - Sparks
► 24. Fair Ohs - Everything Is Dancing
► 25. Florence And The Machine - Shake It Out
► 26. FM Belfast - Believe
► 27. Foals - Hummer
28. Frausdots - Fashion Death Trends
► 29. French Films - Convict
► 30. Glass Candy - Warm In The Winter
► 31. Grouplove - Chloe
► 32. Hard-Fi - Bring It On
► 33. James - Say Something
► 34. James Vincent McMorrow - We Don't Eat
► 35. Kasabian - Re-Wired
► 36. Kids In Glass Houses - Not In This World
37. Kill Hannah - Love you to death
► 38. Kisses - Bermuda
► 39. Leagues - Haunted
► 40. Loon Lake - In The Summer
41. Lowline - Sound Of Music
► 42. M83 - Midnight City
► 43. Man Man - Spooky Jookie
► 44. Manic Street Preachers - Australia
► 45. Mates Of State - Total Serendipity
► 46. Memory Tapes - Bicycle
2 47. Miles Kane - Rearrange
► 48. Mutemath - Blood Pressure
► 49. My Darkest Days - Come Undone
50. Noah & The Whale - Waiting For My Chance To Come
► 51. Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - AKA...What A Life!
► 52. Oh No! Yoko - Coryza
► 53. Owl Eyes - Raiders
► 54. Portugal. The Man - So American
► 55. Rabbit! - When We Were Young
► 56. Radical Face - A Pound Of Flesh
57. Sam Roberts - The Last Crusade
► 58. She Wants Revenge - Take The World
► 59. Sirens & Sealions - Suburban Ring-A-Ling
► 60. Ski Lodge - A Game
► 61. Stevie Jackson - Where Do All The Good Girls Go
► 62. Surfer Blood - Miranda
► 63. The Answering Machine - 3 Miles
► 64. The Blackout - You're Not Alone
► 65. The Boo Radleys - Wake Up Boo!
► 66. The Burning Hotels - Always
► 67. The Cinema - Satellites
68. The Clash - Death or Glory
69. The Coral - Dreaming Of You
► 70. The Cosmic Eye - Shimmy
71. The Dandy Warhols - Bohemian Like You
► 72. The Dollyrots - Playing With Fire
► 73. The Downer Party - Country Kids
► 74. The Fatty Acids - Argentinian Mistresses
► 75. The Foxes - Sweet Little Wonder
► 76. The Great American Novel - Vonnegut and Morrissey
77. The Joy Formidable - Cradle
78. The Kinison - You'll Never Guess Who Died
► 79. The Kooks - Carried Away
► 80. The Magician And The Gates Of Love - I Want It All
► 81. The Rapture - Echoes
► 82. The Rapture - Miss You
► 83. The Shoes - Time To Dance
► 84. The Smiths - Death At One's Elbow
► 85. The Subways - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
86. The Vaccines - Wetsuit
► 87. The Villas - Pin U Down
88. The War On Drugs - Baby Missiles
► 89. The Wombats - 1996
► 90. The Wombats - Guillotine
► 91. Thee Oh Sees - Block of Ice
► 92. Tin Sparrow - Eileen
► 93. Tribes - When My Day Comes
► 94. We Are Augustines - Book Of James
► 95. We Cut Corners - Go Easy
► 96. We Were Promised Jetpacks - Act On Impulse
97. Weezer - Island In The Sun
98. White lies - Death
► 99. Will Dailey - How Good It Feels
► 100. Wolf Gang - Where Are You Now
► 101. Young Knives - Silver Tongue
Galaxy fm ®
Renaciendo el espíritu del sonido eterno™
Etiquetas: M83, Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds, Playlist 137, The Answering Machine, The Rapture, The Wombats, Thee Oh Sees, Tribes, Young Knives
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