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Esto es la más reciente lista de programación del 2011 de Silent Roy para Friday Night... Para poder escucharla simplemente sintonice su receptor... Galaxy 94.3 fm ® Los Mochis radio inicia su transmisión todos los viernes y sábados desde las 20:15 horas...
Playlist 130
Galaxy 94.3 fm ®
Estreno: 4/5 marzo 2011
► 1. (Please) Don't Blame Mexico - The Protocol
► 2. Andreas Mattsson - AA
► 3. Anna Calvi - Blackout
► 4. ANR - Big Problem
► 5. Artichoke - Vulcha Bee Sting
► 6. Bat for Lashes - Strangelove
► 7. Beady Eye - Millionaire
► 8. Belle & Sebastian - I Didn't See It Coming
9. Better Than Ezra - Rosealia
► 10. Bright Eyes - Jejune Stars
► 11. Cage The Elephant - Shake Me Down
12. Candlebox - Blossom
► 13. Cold Cave - Confetti
► 14. Cold War Kids - Royal Blue
► 15. Creeping Weeds - Outsiders
► 16. Dance And Forget - Can I Still Dance
► 17. David Wax Museum - Born With A Broken Heart
► 18. Deftones - Drive
► 19. Dengue Fever - Cement Slippers
20. Dogs Die In Hot Cars - I Love You 'Cause I Have To
► 21. Fergus & Geronimo - Baby Don't You Cry
► 22. Fishboy - Aaron The Afterthought Astronaut
► 23. Foo Fighters - Rope
► 24. Foster The People - Houdini
► 25. Frankie & The Heartstrings - Hunger
26. Garbage - Only Happy When It Rains
27. Gin Blossoms - I Can't Figure You Out
28. Green Day - Scattered
► 29. Gruff Rhys - Sensations In The Dark
30. H.I.M. - Heartache Every Moment
► 31. Heypenny - Cop Car
► 32. Hotel Of The Laughing Tree - Barnaby Bison's Blind
33. Hurts - Sunday
► 34. I'm From Barcelona - Get In Line
► 35. Imaginary Cities - Temporary Resident
36. James - She's A Star
► 37. Joey Ryan & The Inks - Shame On Me Once
► 38. Jon Fratelli - Rhythm Doesn't Make You A Dancer
39. Kaiser Chiefs - Ruby
► 40. Kings Of Leon - The Immortals
► 41. Little Comets - Adultery
42. Live - Selling The Drama
43. Lush - For love
44. Manic Street Preachers - A Design For Life
► 45. Maps & Atlases - Living Decorations
► 46. Maritime - Paraphernalia
► 47. Marnie Stern - Building A Body
► 48. Middle Brother - Middle Brother
► 49. Miles Kane - Come Closer
► 50. Minks - Cemetary Rain
► 51. Mother Mother - Simply Simple
52. New Order - Regret
53. Noah And The Whale - L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N.
54. Our Lady Peace - Starseed
► 55. Peter And Kerry - Clothes, Friends, Photos
► 56. Peter Bjorn & John - Second Chance
57. Primal Scream - Autobahn 66
58. Pulp - Disco 2000
► 59. Rabbit! - Connect The Dots
► 60. Rachel Goodrich - Morning Light
► 61. Radiohead - Lotus Flower
62. Razorlight - I Can't Stop This Feeling I've Got
► 63. Ruby Coast - Creep Me Out
64. Ryan Adams - Nuclear
► 65. Say Hi - Take Ya' Dancin'
66. Sister Double Happiness - Sweet-Talker
► 67. Skunk Anansie - You Saved Me
68. Smashing Pumpkins - Bullet With Butterfly Wings
69. Soundtrack of Our Lives - Sister Surround
70. Soup Dragons - Divine Thing
71. Sponge - Plowed
► 72. Starfucker - Death as a Fetish
73. Supergrass - Mansize Rooster
► 74. Tahiti 80 - Darlin' (Adam And Eve Song)
► 75. The 1900's - Kidnap Runaway
► 76. The Answering Machine - Lifeline
77. The Breeders - Cannonball
78. The Cure - Boys Don't Cry [Chestnut Studio Demo 5/78]
► 79. The Decemberists - Don't Carry It All
► 80. The Deloreans - Buffalo
81. The Departure - Lump In My Throat
► 82. The Dodos - Black Night
83. The Killers - Under The Gun
84. The Mendoza Line - Baby I Know What You're Thinking (live)
► 85. The Monday Mornings - Shotgun Smile
86. The New Pornographers - Sing me Spanish techno
87. The Phoenix Foundation - Buffalo
88. The rifles - Repeated offender
89. The Script - If You Ever Come Back
► 90. The Soft Province - Lazy Minds Die
► 91. The Strokes - Under Cover Of Darkness
92. The Thermals - I Don't Believe You
► 93. The Thermals - Not Like Any Other Feeling
94. The Vaccines - Post Break-Up Sex
95. The Wallflowers - The Difference
► 96. The Wombats - Jump Into The Fog
► 97. Theo Altieri - Hanging on a Hook
► 98. Thirteen Senses - Crystal Sounds
► 99. Those Dancing Days - I'll Be Yours
100. Tired Pony - Get On The Road
► 101. Treefight For Sunlight - Facing The Sun
102. Two Door Cinema Club - What You Know
► 103. Vivian Girls - Dance (If You Wanna)
► 104. We Are She - Disco Phantom
105. Weezer - Susanne
► 106. Wildlife - Matches
► 107. Wooden Satellites - When Fast At Home
108. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Y Control
► 109. You Say France And I Whistle - OMG
110. Youth Sounds - What Is Like?
Galaxy fm ®
Renaciendo el espíritu del sonido eterno ™
Etiquetas: Japan, Japón, Maritime, Playlist 130, The Answering Machine, The strokes, The Vaccines
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