Porque quiero oir tu voz

The Nerves eran un trio power pop de Los Ángeles que nació y murió durante los últimos años de los 70... ellos eran el guitarrista Jack Lee, el bajista Peter Case, y el baterista Paul Collins. Los tres componían y cantaban las canciones de la banda. Salieron de gira nacional con fechas que incluían a The Ramones, pero duraron juntos muy poquito y sólo sacaron un disco en 1976... esa producción trae Hanging on the Telephone, When You Find Out, Give Me Some Time, y Working Too Hard...
Sintoniza Galaxy fm, hoy miércoles con música de tres décadas, desde las 8:15 de la noche, en el 94.3 de fm Los Mochis radio...
Vamos a compartir un mp3 de la canción más famosa de The Nerves, que alguna vez Blondie hizo cover y llegó al número cinco en las listas del Reino Unido...
The nerves - Hanging on the telephone.mp3
I'm in the phone booth it's the one across the hall. If you don't answer I'll just ring it off the wall. I know he's there but I just had to call. Don't leave me hanging on the telephone. Don't leave me hanging on the telephone. I heard your mother now she's going out the door. Did she go to work or just go to the store? All those things she said I told you to ignore. Oh why can't we talk again? Oh why can't we talk again? Don't leave me... It's good to hear your voice you know it's been so long. If I don't get your calls then everything goes wrong. I want to tell you something you've known all along. Don't leave me hanging on the telephone. Oh yeah! I had to interrupt and stop this conversation. Your voice across the line gives me a strange sensation. I'd like to talk when I can show you my affection. Oh I can't control myself! Oh I can't control myself! Don't leave me hanging on the telephone. Oh hang there unrelieved! Oh hang there...
Etiquetas: Hanging on the Telephone, Jack Lee, Paul Collins, Peter Case, The Nerves
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