Galaxy frecuencia modulada 1971

Queen Bitch, del disco Hunky Dory, es todo un clásico empolvado en la memoria de contados. Si hoy fuera el año mil nueve setenta y uno, David Bowie estaría estrenando esta canción. Pero no es necesario viajar en el tiempo en una máquina sofisticada y tecnológicamente incómoda para volver a escuchar al flaco duque blanco interpretar este tributo a Lou Reed y su Velvet Underground; basta con sintonizar hoy el 94.3 de fm a partir de las 8:15 p.m. aquí en Los Mochis y acompañarnos en las noches de archivo Galaxy fm...
Le preguntaron a Carlitos que tipo de música se puede escuchar los miércoles en Galaxy fm, él respondió que sonidos de los 80 y de los 90... la realidad es que también se puede disfrutar música de los 70 y hasta de los 60... toda una licuadora sónica...
Aquí, esta canción que pudo haber nacido ayer, Queen Bitch interpretada por David Robert Jones, en formato mp3 para que te la lleves...
David Bowie - Queen Bitch.mp3
I'm up on the eleventh floor And I'm watching the cruisers below My heart's in the basement My weekend's at an all time low He's down on the street And he's trying hard to pull sister Flo 'Cause she's hoping to score So I can't see her letting him go Walk out of her heart Walk out of her mind She's so swishy in her satin and tat In her frock coat and bipperty-bopperty hat Oh God, I could do better than that She's an old-time ambassador Of sweet talking, night walking games And she's known in the darkest clubs For pushing ahead of the dames If she says she can do it Then she can do it, she don't make false claims But she's a Queen, and such are queens That your laughter is sucked in their brains Now she's leading him on And she'll lay him right down But it could have been me Yes, it could have been me Why didn't I say, why didn't I say, no, no, no So I lay down a while And I look at my hotel wall Oh the cot is so cold It don't feel like no bed at all Yeah I lay down a while And I look at my hotel wall But he's down on the street So I throw both his bags down the hall And I'm phoning a cab 'Cause my stomach feels small There's a taste in my mouth And it's no taste at all It could have been me Oh yeah, it could have been me Why didn't I say, Why didn't I say, no, no, no
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