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Stereophonics son una banda de rock británico de Wales. Comenzaron tocando en bares de clase obrera en 1992 y se hacían llamar Tragic Love Company, nombre inspirado por sus grupos favoritos Tragically Hip, Mother Love Bone y Bad Company. Después se cambiaron el nombre a los Stereophonics, la idea fue tomada del gramófono de la abuela de su exbaterista Stuart Cable. El trio está integrado por Kelly Jones, Richard Jones y Javier Weyler.
De su quinto disco Language. Sex. Violence. Other? pueden descargar en mp3 su primer sencillo Dakota, versión en vivo grabada en Dakota
Stereophonics - Dakota (live).mp3
Thinking about thinking of you Summertime think it was June Yeah think it was June Laying back, head on the grass Children grown having some laughs Yeah having some laughs. Made me feel like the one Made me feel like the one The one Made me feel like the one Made me feel like the one The one Drinking back, drinking for two Drinking with you And drinking was new Sleeping in the back of my car We never went far Needed to go far Made me feel like the one Made me feel like the one The one Made me feel like the one Made me feel like the one The one I don’t know where we are going now I don’t know where we are going now Wake up cold coffee and juice Remembering you What happened to you? I wonder if we’ll meet again Talk about us instead Talk about why did it end Made me feel like the one Made me feel like the one The one Made me feel like the one Made me feel like the one The oneI don’t know where we are going now I don’t know where we are going now So take a look at me now
Etiquetas: Dakota, Stereophonics
la personalidad de alguno de mis amigos es sorprendente, algunos saben lo que quieren decir. otros dicen lo que quieren saber, otros pocos quieren decir lo que saben, y un solo (CABRA GRANDE) dice:
me vale lo que los otros DIGAN.
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